Discover Little Italy’s Universal Discount Code – Your Ticket to Exclusive Deals!: Get ready to unlock amazing discounts and promotions from over 50 of Little Italy’s favorite local businesses! Whether you’re craving two-for-one drinks, up to 30% off your next purchase, or a delicious $10 pizza – we’ve got deals you won’t find anywhere else! It’s simple: just mention the participating business on your social media and let them know we sent you, and your exclusive promotion will be applied right away. Don’t miss out – scroll down to see the amazing deals waiting for you! Start saving today and support local businesses in the heart of Little Italy!
Scroll to see the special discounts and promotions you can take advantage of. It’s simple: just choose a business, visit them, let them know Little Italy sent you, tag them on your social media, and redeem your special offer!
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Discounts are subject to change by each business at any time. Discounts and promotions will only be applied by tagging the respective business’s social media account and the Little Italy BIA.